Membership Declaration

By completing the online application form you confirm that you have read and understood the Napoleonic
Association’s Health and Safety Code (Standard Operating Procedures) and the conditions of
membership outlined in the Code of Practice.

You confirm that all members named on the application understand that participation in Napoleonic
Association events is done so at the individuals own risk and that the Napoleonic Association is
covered by public liability insurance only.

Where applying for Family Membership, the signatory is confirming that all members named are
living at the same address (or education accommodation) and are either under the age of 18, in full
time education* or a primary carer of the main member. *Full time education as a student and not as
a PGCE, Masters or PHD.

Due to child protection legislation, it is a legal requirement for applicants to inform the Executive
Committee of any Criminal Convictions (other than motoring offences). This information will be
treated confidentially by the Association and may not preclude membership. You may choose how
and to whom you disclose this information, as long as it is a member of the Executive Committee.
The Napoleonic Association reserve the right to refuse membership.

Young persons (under 18) may join on a family membership along with their parent/guardian or
where a parent does not wish to join, they may apply to attend NA events with a “Guardian”
member, who will sign the appropriate documentation for their welfare and safety compliance.

Without a named and signed guardian, applications will be returned to the unit CO for compliance.
If you are under the age of 18 and NOT part of a family membership, you should provide the details
above and complete the Young Persons (under 18) Membership Details section of this form, with
the appropriate parent and guardianship signatures. Your Unit Commander can assist.

The Napoleonic Association will retain and use your personal data for administration purposes only.
It will not be used for marketing or shared with other parties with the exception of law enforcement
agencies upon request. The data will be collected and processed in accordance with the Napoleonic
Association Privacy Policy and it is the member’s responsibility to ensure it is complete and correct.
I understand that by submitting this form I am consenting to my data being used in this way.

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